HIGHER EDUCATION institutions may now conduct local off-campus activities as long as they comply with the Commission on Higher Education’s (CHED) policies and guidelines.
According to CHED Memorandum Order no. 1 issued last Feb. 16, the allowed off-campus activities include educational tours, degree program-related events, field studies, mission-based activities, seminars, conferences, community outreach programs, performances and competitions.
The memorandum amended the guidelines in the implementation of face-to-face classes issued last year. The guidelines sought to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campuses.
“Local off-campus activities… are allowed subject to the compliance of HEIs (higher education institutions) with the provisions of CMO (CHED Memorandum Order) no. 63, series of 2017, otherwise known as the Policies and Guidelines for Local Off-campus Activities,” the memorandum signed by CHED Chairman Prospero de Vera III read.
Higher education institutions and their partner institutions will determine whether to allow unvaccinated students to join off-campus activities.
Activities not covered by the memorandum, such as internships, practicums, and on-the-job training, are also allowed, subject to the schools’ compliance with the guidelines governing them.
The government has been easing mobility restrictions as the pandemic situation in the Philippines continues to improve. F – A.S. Lim