NEARLY FOUR in every five UST Faculty of Arts and Letters (AB) students from batch 2024 will graduate with Latin honors, based on the solemn investiture program released by the dean’s office.
Of the 734 graduating Artlets, 568 or 77.39% will receive medals at the Quadricentennial Pavilion on Monday, June 10, higher than the 74% recorded during the previous batch.
The communication program had the highest percentage of students with Latin honors at 93.83% or 137 out of 146 graduates. Eight of the communication graduates will complete their college stint summa cum laude, 106 magna cum laude and 23 cum laude.
It is followed by the sociology program, with 30 of its 33 seniors or 90.91% graduating with Latin honors. Four of them will finish their undergraduate studies summa cum laude, 17 magna cum laude and nine cum laude.
The behavioral science program will send off 98 honor recipients, which is equivalent to 80.99% of its 121 graduates. One senior from the program will graduate summa cum laude, 35 will finish magna cum laude and 62 cum laude.
Of the 36 graduating students from the economics program, 29 or 80.56% will cap off their undergraduate studies with Latin honors. Nine economics graduates will exit the University magna cum laude and 20 cum laude.
The legal management program yielded 48 Latin honorees or 77.42% of its 62 graduates. A total of 18 students will earn their degree magna cum laude, while 30 will graduate cum laude.
Thirteen of the 17 graduates of the English language studies program or 76.47% will get medals. Four of them will end their college journey summa cum laude, five will finish magna cum laude and four will graduate cum laude.
For the creative writing program, 73.68% or 28 of its 38 graduates, will graduate with Latin honors. Three of them will obtain their degrees summa cum laude, 16 magna cum laude and nine cum laude.
Eleven of the 15 graduates of the history program or 73.33%, will march with medals, eight of them magna cum laude and three cum laude.
Of the 79 political science graduates, 56 or 70.89% are honor students. Twelve of them will walk on the stage magna cum laude while 44 will graduate cum laude.
Fourteen of the 21 philosophy graduates or 66.67%, will end their college stint with Latin honors. Nine philosophy seniors will obtain their degree magna cum laude while five will graduate cum laude.
The Latin honorees in the Asian studies program totaled 43 or 64.18% of its 67 graduates. Twelve of them will earn their degrees magna cum laude while 31 will end their college stint cum laude.
Fifty out of 78 journalism students or 64.1% will graduate with Latin honors. Three will complete their degree magna cum laude while 47 will finish cum laude.
The literature program logged the lowest percentage of Latin honorees at 55% or 11 of its 20 graduates. One of them will graduate summa cum laude, five magna cum laude and five cum laude.
The AB solemn investiture rites will be held on Monday, June 10, at the Quadricentennial Pavilion. A total of 7,795 Thomasians from the University’s various colleges and faculties will graduate this year. F – with reports from Ma. Alyanna Selda