TO FULFILL one’s duty as a Christian and a Thomasian, one should always preach the truth in life, Faculty of Arts and Letters (AB) Regent Fr. Rodel Aligan O.P. told Artlets in the College Mass held at the Santisimo Rosario Parish on Tuesday.
“Ang isang Thomasian [na] hindi ipinoproklama ang gusto ni Kristo ay isang Thomasian na nagbe-betray kay Kristo mismo,” Aligan said, quoting former Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines president Socrates Villegas.
Aligan emphasized UST’s motto, Veritas in Caritate (Truth in Charity), that Thomasians should embody.
“In other words, by all consequences we should always bear truth […] because truth and love will always go together,” he said. “[I]f we are Christians, then we have to defend the truth.”
The regent reminded Artlets of Christ’s sacrificial love for humanity in observance of Ash Wednesday.
“[T]hat ashes will have to symbolize something that through the love of God, we are nothing but we have become someone, through our sins we have been lifted up, […] through the sacrifice of the love of Christ, that we have been redeemed by Christ on the cross,” Aligan said.
The Eucharistic Celebration was organized by the AB Student Council in line with the celebration of the AB Month. F