THE GREATEST blessing that one could see is that Christians who are in a very difficult situation are learning to trust and put their hope in God, UST Hospital Pastoral Services Director Rev. fr. Cecilio Vladimir E. Magboo, O.P said during the Red Wednesday mass.
The University led a Eucharistic celebration at the Santisimo Rosario Parish Church, in line with the commemoration of the annual campaign of Aid to the Church in Need’s (ACN) Red Wednesday on Nov. 25 via Facebook livestream, honoring the persecuted Christians and frontline workers serving amid the pandemic.
“Even if all these things—the bad things that are happening—without God willing it, we are all in God’s hands as we do our mission in serving God like our frontliners who are serving God by taking care of their neighbors. And for those who Christians who were persecuted, we see everyday life [as] a risk,” Magboo said.
Prosecution is an inevitable part of being a follower of Christ and that those who have accepted His love are assured of victory despite the challenges in their lives, Magboo said in his homily.
“We will be able to conquer them, not in a worldly sense but in the way God wants,” he added.
The theme for this year’s celebration is “Red Means Love: One Church Against COVID-19” in solidarity with the frontliners serving in the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide.
Red Wednesday is a global event established to promote awareness and provide assistance for persecuted Christians around the world.
The event was followed by the lighting of the University’s Main Building, the Martyr’s Monument, and the UST Hospital in red. F