ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS need to cope, control and construct to face the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, an education professor said.
Prof. Clarita DL. Carillo, Ph.D., assistant to the rector for planning and quality management, talked about the “3Cs” of resiliency during the Discurso de Apertura for the academic year 2022-2023, held at the Santísimo Rosario Parish on Thursday, August 4.
Carillo used the University’s experience to discuss the 3Cs, citing its creation of a task force and an education “continuity plan” during the pandemic.
She said the responsibility of academic institutions to its stakeholders, primarily the students, is “not just to manage to deliver but to continue to deliver with quality.”
“Conceptually, the 3Cs should not be viewed as a prescriptive formula but as a descriptive continuum of the category of responses made in view of challenges, changes, and chances,” Carillo said.
Carillo distinguished the 3Cs from each other using five points of consideration: goal, competencies, resources, approach, and attitude towards change.
She defined ‘cope’ as “being able to survive;” ‘control’ as “being able to manage uncertainty;” and ‘construct’ as “thriving amid the volatile time and showing development.”
“These 3Cs are not to be viewed as one-time, unilinear, or mutually exclusive and may in fact simultaneously occur in referring to different aspects of management and administration,” the education professor said.
Carillo also presented quality assurance (QA) as another way for academic institutions to “thrive” during adversities.
She said QA could be the attainment of expected learning outcomes, graduate attributes, and provision of support services.
The Discurso de Apertura or opening lecture is one of the University traditions that mark the start of the academic year.
In a memorandum released last April 29, the Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs declared that the University would continue implementing the enriched virtual mode of instruction for the upcoming academic year. F – Katherine Chan