A TOTAL OF 9,933 UST graduates registered for an alumni card this year as of Tuesday, Dec. 12, more than fourfold the recorded 2,229 applicants last year, according to the UST Office of Alumni Relations (OAR).
Of the figure, 2,130 are from the batch that graduated this year. Last year’s number of processed cards, however, only included those who applied online.
OAR Director Asst. Prof. Fredeswindo Medina said many alumni have applied for the card since the application period for batch 2023 began in October.
“Daily slots have been filled quickly until the month of November. However, the applications are not limited to Class of 2023. As of the moment, there are pending alumni card applications scheduled until February 2024” Medina told The Flame.
“Every December, there’s always an influx of alumni card applications due to the Paskuhan festivities. It decreases when January comes,” he added.
Only valid Thomasian alumni cards will be accepted upon entry to the Paskuhan festivities, unlike last year, when graduates could opt to scan their QR codes generated via the alumni web portal.
The office is also processing applications from Dec. 13 to 31 to accommodate the alumni after experiencing delays due to the previous holidays and suspensions, Medina said.
Alumni card applications will be processed through the office’s website, while graduates may claim their card onsite or opt to have it delivered.
The Paskuhan festivities began on Dec. 1 with the lighting of the University campus. The Agape, or the early Christmas feast, will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 13.
The much-anticipated grand Paskuhan concert will take place on Dec. 21. F
How to apply for an alumni card? I’m a 1971 gra
duate of BSC
How to apply for alumni card. Thanks.
I want to apply for the alumni card. What are the requirements?
Thank you,
Pilar Cordero Roman
How to apply for alumni card! I am batch1982! Thanks!