49th MMFF

Firefly: A Journey to Serenity

Firefly: A Journey to Serenity

FIREFLIES DO NOT glow in the city. They shy away from a community blinded by streetlights and backlit devices, devoid of their habitat in the metropolis. However, in the company of nature, where the rustling of leaves and insects abound, these fireflies, or mga alitaptap, are a sight to behold.…
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GomBurZa: Para Los Filipinos

The film GomBurZa transports the audiences to the year 1872 to retell the tale of the three martyr priests whose deaths marked the start of a slowly but surely prospering nationalist consciousness. Directed by Pepe Diokno and based on stories by Filipino Jesuit historian John Schumacher, GomBurZa is based on…
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