Cinemalaya 2024

Love Child: Silent Sacrifices

Love Child: Silent Sacrifices TO BE young parents with little practical experience in life comes with multiple disadvantages in the real world. But for Love Child, these disadvantages come to their own refuge, grounded on the hope that being young gives parents more time to be with their child and to improve as individuals. Considered…
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An Errand: Driving Across Social Borders

An Errand: Driving Across Social Borders DRIVERS ARE more than just service providers. In between getting people from point A to point B, drivers can form and distinguish meaningful relationships with their passengers. Their line of work allows them to see how different social classes interact with one another, which may simultaneously blur social hierarchy…
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Balota: Not black and white

Balota: Not black and white FOR SOME educators, teaching values is not lip service. Sometimes, taking action is needed even if it may lead to peril. Tasked with the delicate job of honing minds and safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot, teachers are indispensable for the nation’s progress. They serve as the guiding light…
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