mental health

Reymark Simbulan is ready to rise again

Reymark Simbulan is ready to rise again

A FATEFUL incident that happened almost two years ago left Reymark Simbulan with a temporary handicap. In a bout with overpowering tendencies to end his life, Reymark jumped from his condominium unit on the 17th floor. While his life has never been the same since then, the repercussions of the…
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Vulnerability and the art of expression

Vulnerability and the art of expression

HONESTY IS key to art, and as much as it comes at a price of one’s vulnerability, to manifest oneself is to reveal the wounds that need healing or unearth one’s hidden burdens. Just like any therapies, honesty in oneself is a must to uncover issues and repressions to have…
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Neu Roses: Continuing Conversations

Neu Roses: Continuing Conversations

IT HAS been a year since the Department of Health officially launched a national hotline that will provide help to people with mental health concerns. The project is called HOPELINE, a 24/7 crisis support hotline for depression and suicide prevention. People behind the phone are trained by professional psychiatrists and…
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