social media

How far will #hashtags go?

How far will #hashtags go?

WE LIKE the idea that we are contributing to the betterment of society. And when you are stuck at home during a pandemic, the best place to do this is in the expansive digital architecture of social media. A landscape that has become a dump of cancel culture, trolls, performativity,…
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The Social Dilemma: From Screens to Real Scenes

By FATIMA B. BADURIA   AS the 2022 national election draws near, the social media climate grows increasingly toxic. The polarization of political beliefs intensifies and ideas ranging from the logical to the conspiratorial find their way to the collective consciousness. Rather perplexing, online attacks can be similar on both…
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The dangers of toxic social media content

The dangers of toxic social media content

By MARK JOSEPH B. FERNANDEZ THE EXISTENCE of social media is revolutionary for the communication process. Consumers of the said medium (netizens) can easily connect with prominent people because of its boundless reach. These prominent people, who are called social media influencers, can also gain a multitude of followers in…
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