
The Chanters: More Than A Tribal Legacy

The Chanters: More Than A Tribal Legacy

By CORHEINNE JOYCE B. COLENDRES FOR THE last chanter of their tribe, Ramon Navarro (Romulo Caballero) considers chanting to be beyond telling the story of a great epic, and merely keeping up with his tribe’s tradition. Chanting has evolved to become a means of preservation for their tribe’s entire history.…
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THE WEIGHT of the sea seemed to settle at the pit of my stomach, and for the first time in a long while, I felt substantial. As I stood by the coastline watching the water steadily ebb and flow, the wind gently brushed against my face as if consoling me…
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PEOPLE HAVE spent their early mornings beneath ultramarine skies, waiting for the train to arrive. Everyone waits in line, on dilapidated platforms to hop aboard the train to places scattered underneath this blue royalty. People are catapulted into the day without knowing what is bluer, our lives and transgressions or…
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One to Two Steps at a Time

One to Two Steps at a Time

AFTER A long day of festivities and celebration, she sat at the edge of her king-sized bed in solitude. To think that from someone who sold pirated DVDs, she had become an award-winning film director. Life sure could be funny. In her hand was a trophy decorated with authentic gold—nothing…
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The Memory of a Flame

The Memory of a Flame

HE WAS a steady flare full of ambitions and goals. When he was a student of mine, he used to talk about going places and leaving a legacy behind and every time he stepped out of the classroom, he walked as if he was already taking on the world. However,…
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