THE VARSITARIAN, the official student publication of the University of Santo Tomas (UST), is now accepting entries for the 16th Creative Writing Workshop (CWW).
The workshop is open to all UST college students except for students from the Faculty of Arts and Letters Creative Writing program.
The CWW is an annual literary workshop-seminar, where some of the country’s top writers personally guide and workshop the works of aspiring Thomasian writers.
Applicants should submit their original works in any of the following categories: fiction, katha, poetry, and tula until March 14.
Each applicant should choose only one category and submit his/her work in both Word file and PDF formats, using the font Arial, with a font size of 12, and 1.0 line spacing for poetry and tula, and 1.5 for fiction and katha. Entries should have no names or identifying marks.
Only 12 applicants will be granted fellowships to the workshop to be held on April 23 to 24. F