ARTLETS STUDENT Council (ABSC) President Rafael Arellano was chosen as the new Central Board (CB) speaker of the Central Student Council for academic year 2018-2019 through a secret ballot election held Tuesday night.
The speaker’s duties, as decided by the CB, will include convening the board members, presiding over sessions and appointing or dissolving ad hoc committees.
“To be honest, I’m still overwhelmed. Imagine being the presider of all local student council presidents and [being] the head of the legislative arm of the Central Student Council,” Arellano told The Flame in an online exchange.
Arellano said he will handle his responsibilities as ABSC president and CB speaker through “proper planning and investment [in] who you work with.”
“It’s not just me who will work in the ABSC, and in the same way, gano’n din sa [CB] […] I still have the rest of the [CB] to help me in providing service for the betterment of the Thomasian community,” he said.
Elected along with Arellano were Science Student Council President Vashwin Amarnani as deputy speaker and Engineering Student Council President Catherine Sta. Romana as secretary-general.
The CB is the legislative branch of the Central Student Council composed of all the presidents of local councils. F