FACULTY OF Arts and Letters (AB) Regent Rev. Fr. George Phe Mang, O.P likened members of the Artlet community to God’s “living water,” citing their capacity to be a source of joy and wisdom to others.
“So all the members—every member in Artlets—it comes the living water flowing from the same building. Flowing around, touching the lives of others, generating lives, making refreshes to the trite [and] plants,” Phe Mang said during a faculty-wide mass on Wednesday, Nov. 9.
“So bringing and giving life to the people around us, even to the plants, animals, and anything created by God,” he added.
The AB regent cited the book of Psalms in linking water and the “Temple of God” as a source of wisdom.
“[Water is] truly a blessing from God, so thus, God’s temple is appropriately linked to water and water would make God’s presence felt and experienced by everyone,” he said.
Phe Mang said members of the AB community are not just “a bunch of stones that make up a building,” but are “living stones” of the Church.
“We are the living stones who have come together as one so that God may have a dwelling place among us and make His divine presence to be felt and experienced,” he added.
The regent called on Artlets to experience God as they are His “dwelling temple.”
“Let us try to feel and experience God who is present within us and at the same time, try to make flow, like the water flowing from us and touching the lives of others,” he said.
The mass was held at the Santisimo Rosario Parish and coincided with the feast of the dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica. F