THE UNIVERSITY will begin regular classes for the academic year (AY) 2023-2024 on Aug. 9, with hybrid instruction still its primary mode of teaching despite the improving pandemic situation.
The freshmen orientation activities will take place on Aug. 1 to 2, followed by the Thomasian Welcome Walk on Aug. 3, according to the academic calendar released by the Office of the Secretary-General.
The preliminary period will begin on Oct. 9, while the Undas break will be from Oct. 30 to Nov. 6. It will be followed by the final examinations, which will start on Dec. 16. The traditional Paskuhan festivities will be held on Dec. 21.
Registration for the second term will begin on Jan. 10. The second half of the academic year will start on Jan. 15.
The preliminary examinations for the second term will begin on March 13 while the Easter break will be from March 25 to April 1.
Graduating Thomasians’ final examination will begin on May 10 while that of non-graduating students will start on May 21. The Student Awards Day will be held on May 24.
The Baccalaureate Mass for the class of 2024 will take place on May 31 while the Solemn Investiture rites will start on June 1.
Registration for the special term will be from June 6 to 7 while classes will begin on June 10.
Hybrid instruction will remain the primary mode of instruction for all programs this academic year as announced by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs last December.
The Faculty of Arts and Letters will aim to hold at least half of its classes onsite, according to an announcement released by the Artlets Student Council (ABSC) this month.
“However, some courses are allowed to function with less than 50% onsite classes. High-stakes assessments will remain in its onsite delivery,” the ABSC said.
The University will have a total of 208 school days, just like the previous academic year.F – Trisha Tamio and Bianca Ysabel Abrencilo