UST Museum chief named Santisimo Rosario acting parish priest

Photo taken from the UST Website

UST MUSEUM Director Fr. Isidro Abaño, O.P., was appointed acting parish priest of the Santisimo Rosario Parish on Jan. 9.

In a Facebook post, the parish announced that Abaño, also the regent of the Faculty of Civil Law, would assume the roles held previously by Fr. Paul Talavera, O.P., who led the University’s spiritual sanctuary for six years.

Members of the Dominican Province of the Philippines, including Talavera, were assigned to Gibraltar to establish a religious community in the area.

Abaño finished his bachelor’s degree in Sacred Theology in 1984 and earned his master’s degree in Higher Religious Studies and licentiate in Sacred Theology in 1995, all in UST.

The acting parish priest also held key posts in the University, where he served as the secretary general from 2003 to 2009 and parochial vicar or assistant to the parish priest.

An expert in cultural heritage, Abaño is the minister of the Ministry on Museums and a member of the Commission on Church Cultural Heritage at The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila. He is also a course coordinator and a professor in Cultural Heritage Studies at the UST Graduate School.

The civil law regent was elected a member of the International Council of Museums Philippines executive board in 2020. Additionally, he was one of the founding members of the council’s University Museums and Collections Subcommittee and served as a board member of the University Museums and Collections from 2013 to 2016. 

Abaño acquired several degrees from other institutions: a bachelor’s degree in Zoology and Philosophy at the Far Eastern University and the Dominican Studium Generale, respectively. He also earned a diploma in Church Cultural Heritage at the Gregorian Pontifical University in 1994 and attended a special course at the Church Ecumenism Angelicum University in 2000 in Rome, Italy. F

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