Creative writing senior among CCP’s writing program fellows

A CREATIVE writing senior is among the eight fellows participating in this year’s writing fellowship program by the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP).

Aleia Marie Anies will undergo a three-week online mentorship from multi-awarded playwright Glenn Mas, who will discuss the practice and technicalities of dramatic playwriting during the Virgin Labfest 16 Writing Fellowship Program.

“I think that by participating in this program, I will be able to hone my skills and improve my writing prowess especially since I will get to interact with like-minded people who seek to improve their craft as well and will also be taught by incredibly experienced writers,” Anies told The Flame. 

She will also have the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion with the country’s renowned playwrights and directors.

As an aspiring writer, Anies also sees this fellowship program as an outlet to improve her “sponge-like” mentality and to be open to new ideas and criticisms.

“After absorbing all the experiences and information around oneself, a writer’s job is to process those details [and] to string together words so that experiences may be turned into coherent images,” she said.

Each fellow is also expected to produce individual pieces that will be staged for online reading on Dec. 4 to 5.

The project is an initiative of the CCP Artist Training Division of the Arts Education Department and will run from Nov. 16 to Dec. 5. F

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