THE streets were bare and cold that afternoon. I wish I did not have to go out at a time like this, risking the safety of others, myself, and those I love. However, the bills do not pay themselves and I have a family to feed.
These are dark days, especially for those who cannot afford to simply stay home.
On my way to work, I remind myself that I am fortunate enough to be riding on a vehicle of my own. Of course, the trip to work does not fail to still be stressful; The frustratingly long queues for the checkpoints do diminish one’s spirits even more. But by the time I roll up to the policewoman, I cannot help smiling and expressing genuine gratitude.
I suppose we are all taking the risk out here in the hopes that more people will come out of this alive.
I finally arrive at the power plant and make my way to my station. As dawn arrives and the sky dims once again, I flip the switch to turn on the streetlamps of my city hoping that I can at least shed some light on these obscure times. F ANA MURIEL R. VERON