All bets for ABSC prexy push for reforms against ‘repression,’ ‘bureaucracy’ in UST

All bets for ABSC prexy push for reforms against ‘repression,’ ‘bureaucracy’ in UST

ALL CANDIDATES for Artlets Student Council (ABSC) president are seeking reforms to resolve what they believe to be UST's “bureaucratic repressions” that supposedly tamper with the operations of recognized student councils and organizations. In the ‘Face-to-Face’ segment of The Flame’s first-ever ABSC Elections Forum last Friday, April 19, all three aspiring…
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AB Board of Majors hits ABSC bets’ platforms

THE FACULTY of Arts and Letters’ Board of Majors has expressed disappointment over the platforms presented by the Artlets Student Council (ABSC) candidates during the recent miting de avance, saying they lack timeliness, sustainability, and substance. In a statement released on Wednesday, Mar. 29, the board questioned the platforms presented…
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ABSC candidates slam proposed mandatory ROTC

ABSC candidates slam proposed mandatory ROTC

ALL EIGHT candidates of this year’s Arts and Letters Student Council (ABSC) elections are against the revival of the mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program, saying it might reinforce “corrupt” and “exploitative” practices. DEKADA’s candidate for president Timothy John Santiago said UST was once the site of the atrocities…
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